Surveying and updating of electrical plans

blanco diram

We perform surveys for ARC flash studies and protection coordination.

Find out all that Diram can do for you

We provide the survey management service for:

  • Short circuit: We perform a photographic survey, on-site notes and use specialized software for simulation and evaluation.
  • Protection coordination: We use specialized software for simulation and evaluation.
  • Arc flash: We perform simulations and evaluations.

It is important to clarify that before updating the drawings of your industrial electrical installations it is necessary to perform a short circuit study.

Types of surveys we perform



¿What does it solve?

Short circuit study

Short-circuit condition analysis in the plant through the use of specialized software. The loads that contribute to the fault or limit it are integrated.

To know what measures should be taken during the coordination of protections. What equipment should be installed and/or confirm that the magnitude of the fault is supported.

Protection coordination study

Verification of a correct detection and consecutive operation of logical order of the current protections. This is done through the use of specialized software

To know if the fault will remain isolated and will not affect other areas and processes, or if it has the potential to take the entire plant out of operation.

Arc Flash Study

Visualization of the equipment containing the highest amount of incident energy, using specialized software.

To know the security measures that must be taken to protect our employees and visitors according to security practices.

Annex IV

It is a series of files and DUs that contain technical information that is useful for CENACE and determines what steps the plant must follow to continue with its process.

Technical requirements that CENACE establishes as indispensable to develop a correct analysis.

Annex 3

It is a file that contains the technical information of the equipment inside the Electric Substation.

Necessary step to continue with the management process. 

Reagent compensation

Analysis, solution and implementation of compensation equipment that covers the totality of the client's needs, according to the power quality measurements obtained.

Depending on the proposed solution, it ensures compliance with the current Grid Code.

1.- Requirements for Short Circuit Studies


Photographic survey

Notes on site

Short circuit

  • Circuit breakers (depending on the scope indicated by the client).
  • Fuses.
  • Motors.
  • Distribution boards.
  • Transformers (depending on the scope indicated by the client).
  • Conductors.
  • Unifilar Diagrams (DUs) with actual plant loads.

Coordination of protections

Derived from the short circuit study.

Arc flash

Derived from the protection coordination study.

2.- Requirements for Annexes III and IV

Annex 3 and IV

Requirements for

Annex IV (From the Interconnection and Connection Manual)

Photographic survey, on-site notes and drawing software.

Annex 3 (From the Regulatory Manual for Operational Coordination)

Photographic survey, notes on site and software.

3.- Requirements for Reagent Compensation


Photographic survey

Notes on site

Reagent Compensation

  • Existing reactive compensation equipment.
  • Distribution boards.
  • Transformer where the solution is proposed.
  • Conductors.
  • Power quality measurements.

Conditions involving the Manual


Power Plants

Load Centers


  • With Change of Point of Interconnection.
  • With Increases in Installed Capacity and that are interconnected.
  • In Isolated Supply that requires interconnection and requires infrastructure for the delivery of surplus electricity (sale of energy).
  • With increases in the Contracted Load and that are connected.
  • In Isolated Supply requiring Infrastructure.
  • Requesting a change of Connection Point.


  • With Net Installed Capacity ≥0.5 MW and whether or not they require Infrastructure.
  • In Isolated Supply that require interconnection and require Infrastructure for the delivery of their surplus electrical energy (sale of energy).
  • With Contracted Load ≥1 MW or ≤1 MW, required to be connected and whether or not they require Infrastructure.
  • In Isolated Supply requiring Infrastructure.

Why choose Diram?

We have the commitment and the necessary tools to bring your projects to fruition.

We have advanced software tools that help us save time in processes:

  • Anexo IV
  • Medición con Medidores de clase A
  • Compensación
  • Coordinación de protecciones, cortocircuito y arc flash

We have advanced software tools that help us save time in processes:

Annex IV

Metering with Class A Meters


Coordination of protections, short circuit and arc flash.

We have qualified and experienced personnel in this type of management.

We have worked in more than 50 successful procedures in all regional control and transmission managements.

We have experience in these procedures and we know your requirements in depth.

Avoid loss of time in the processes due to rejection of the requirements.