We have installed 90% of the STATCOMs in Mexico.
There was a non-compliance in the plant according to the Grid Code power factor parameters under low load conditions. In addition, the plant was constantly experiencing voltage fluctuations causing problems in electronic equipment and restart or failure of the robots.
We installed a dynamic compensation equipment that will resolve defaults under low load conditions and mitigate the effects of voltage fluctuations on the electronic equipment.
Previously, the Load Center did not comply with the power factor requirement indicated in the Grid Code. Therefore, an equipment was implemented, which could adapt to the reactive power demand by reading two feeders at different voltages and perform a dynamic compensation to ensure compliance at the PCC (114 kV).
STATCOM 5 MVAR @ 34.5 kV Thanks to the fact that our installed technology has the capacity to deliver and absorb the necessary reagents dynamically to control the power factor of the plant at the connection point, we were able to meet the objective of maintaining the power factor between 0.97 and 1.00 at least 95% of the time, in accordance with the future requirement of the Grid Code
To achieve compliance with Grid Code 2.0 phase 2, that will be effective on April 8, 2026, it was necessary to install a +/- 12 MVAR STATCOM, connected to the 20 Kv main bus and consider leaving the existing compensation equipment in place.
With the installation of the STATCOM, it was possible to compensate the necessary reactives, leaving the power factor at 0.98 inductive values, 100% of the time, complying with the requirement established by the Grid Code 2.0 Phase 2.
There is non-compliance with the power factor and current unbalance parameters established in the Grid Code 1.0.
With the installation of the STATCOM, the power factor and current unbalance parameters were achieved, which decreased by 60%, with the requirement established by the Grid Code 2.0 Phase 2.
Diram was approached by Draxton to request a Grid Code study at the Irapuato plant in which there was detected a power factor non-compliance
Due to the variability of the load, and having a considerable current unbalance, the solution is a STATCOM.
Diram was approached by Draxton to request a Grid Code study at the Saltillo plant in which a non-compliance in power factor and current unbalance was detected.
Due to the variability of the load, and having a considerable current unbalance, the solution was a STATCOM.
Our customer is a steel complex in Guanajuato with 2 melting furnaces and 2 refining furnaces, 120 and 20 MVA nominal. It is common that this type of loads induce voltage instability when connected to the grid due to the dynamic operation of the furnaces. Also, these types of loads generate harmonic currents that result in harmonic voltages when flowing through the system impedances. This conjunction of phenomena prevented our client from complying with the explicit requirements of the Grid Code.
In order for the client to streamline its process and comply with the Grid Code, we delivered a STATCOM from 160 MVAr (ind) to 320 MVAr (cap). DIRAM was responsible for the design, supply, commissioning and start-up of the equipment. The installed solution can control reactive power seamlessly and in real time for an indefinite period, bringing our customer into compliance with the Grid Code .
Our client is planning the creation of a new steel plant in San Luis Potosi. This new plant, in a first phase, would consist of 1 single 40 MVA nominal melting furnace. Mexican electricity legislation requires compliance with the Grid Code for the creation of new load centers. Therefore, it was essential to ensure good power quality and power factor control from the plant’s start-up day. Knowing the main problems to be faced given the type of load, We made sure that the client could meet all the mentioned parameters.
The future operation was simulated with specialized software, thus dimensioning a STATCOM of +/- 40 MVAr to ensure compliance with the Grid Code prior to the energization of the plant. DIRAM was fully responsible for the execution of the project, in addition to accompanying the client throughout the process of connecting the load center.
Our customer's load consists of a 25 MVAr nominal cold rolling mill. Given the composition of motors, servomotors and electronics in general, it also presents a low power factor and harmonic current distortion. Given the above, our customer did not comply with the Grid Code
In order for the client to streamline its process and comply with the Grid Code, we delivered a STATCOM from 20 MVAr (ind) to 20 MVAr (cap). DIRAM was responsible for the complete execution of the project.
The installed solution can control reactive power smoothly and in real time for an indefinite period of time, bringing our customer into compliance with the Grid Code.
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