Success story

Automotive Plant Corrects Power Factor and Unbalance with Compact Solution


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Located in San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L.


Dedicated to the steel industry.

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Voltage level 230 Kv

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Demand of 80 MW.


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Located in Apodaca, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.


Dedicated to the manufacture of electrodes

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Power quality problems. High reactive power


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Located in San Luis Potosí, Mexico


Dedicated to the metalworking industry.

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Voltage level 230 Kv.

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Demand of 15 MW

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Loading 3 Sendzimir Laminating machines


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Located in Altamira, Tamaulipas.


Dedicated to the metalworking industry.

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Voltage level 115 Kv

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Demand of 5 MW.

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It has generation

Initial situation

The customer has compensation equipment already installed, but it is not enough to comply with the Grid Code, since achieving compliance for industries dedicated to this line of business is complex.

Initial situation

The customer has reactive compensation equipment already installed, as shown in the following table.

situacion inicial

Initial situation

The customer has reactive compensation equipment already installed, as shown in the following table.

situacion inicial


  • Inductive non-compliance 100% of the time
  • High load variations
  • No compensation equipment
  • A relatively high level of 2nd harmonic is present.


There is non-compliance with the parameters of power factor and current unbalance, established with the Grid Code 1.0. The PF is in inductive non-compliance 17% of the time.
72% of the time the PF is in capacitive noncompliance.Current unbalance has an average value of 19.23 %.



Installation of two STATCOMs +/- 10 MVAr each
- One STATCOM was installed for each of the two transformers.
- 36 MVA mains (230 - 13.8 KV)
- Faster solution for power factor compensation
- Active harmonic current filtering capability
- Less area required per KVAR
- Newest and most reliable technology available

Imagen solución

Medium voltage solutions

Nuestras soluciones


Consume and dynamically compensate for the reactive power in medium voltage, required by the load center to maintain the power factor within the limits established by the Grid Code 2.0 phase 2. Decrease the current unbalance, leaving it within the limits established by the Grid Code 2.0 phase 2.

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• Faster solution to compensate the power factor.
• Active harmonic current filtering capability.
• Smaller area required by KVAR.
• Newest and most reliable technology available.
• It has the flexibility to work with other compensation equipment.

To achieve compliance with Grid Code 2.0 phase 2, effective on April 8, 2026, it was necessary to install a STATCOM +/- 4 MVAR at DELTA, connected to the 6.6 Kv generator buses and consider leaving the existing compensation equipment in place.

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- Compliance with Network Code 2.0 Phase 2.
- Stable voltage and low harmonic content.

- Increased productivity.
- Reduction of power outages.


With the installation of the STATCOM, we achieved compliance with the power factor and current unbalance parameter, which was reduced by 60%, with the requirement established by the Grid Code 2.0 Phase 2, which can be seen in the following.

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Draxton is a world-class company dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of highly engineered castings, iron and aluminum machining components in the automotive business. In 2018, they approached us to request a Grid Code study in the Irapuato plant in which a non-compliance was detected in the following parameters:

  • Power factor


Draxton is a world-class company dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of highly engineered castings, iron and aluminum machining components in the automotive business. In 2018, they approached us to request a Grid Code study in the Irapuato plant in which a non-compliance was detected in the following parameters:

  • Power factor


There is non-compliance in the following parameters, which are limited to those established by the Grid Code 1.0.

  • Power factor.
  • Individual harmonic components.
  • Total harmonic demand distortion.
  • Short-term voltage fluctuation index.
  • Long-term voltage fluctuation index.
  • Current unbalance.


img problema

There is non-compliance with the power factor parameter, established in the Grid Code 2.0. Phase 1.

  • The PF is in inductive noncompliance 13.63% of the time.
  • The PF is in capacitive noncompliance 55.18% of the time.

Why is STATCOM the best technology?

statcom vs svc
  • Equipment responds dynamically to the load
  • Operation of the equipment is by power electronics
  • Compared to its main predecessor, the SVC, the STATCOM has much higher efficiency and performance.


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Power factor

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Due to the variability of the load and that there is a considerable current unbalance, the solution for this case is a STATCOM.

For DIRAM each project represents a new challenge and we seek to adapt to each industry to implement the best cost-benefit solution. The biggest challenge of this project was to carry out the civil works, since it was a turnkey project, Diram was responsible for implementing the entire project for the client's convenience.

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Due to the variability of the load and that there is a considerable current unbalance, the solution for this case is a STATCOM.

For DIRAM each project represents a new challenge and we seek to adapt to each industry to implement the best cost-benefit solution.

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Power factor

Due to the type of loads installed in this industry, a dynamic compensation is required and not any technology can compensate with this demand tendency, so when evaluating the power factor, it was found to be in default, being divided as follows.

  • 58.5 % of the time there is inductive non-compliance.
  • 26.7% of the time there is capacitive non-compliance.

Evaluated with the limits of the Network Code 1.0

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Power factor

Due to the type of loads installed in this industry, a dynamic compensation is required and not any technology can compensate with this demand tendency, so when evaluating the power factor, it was found to be in default, being divided as follows.

  • 58.5 % of the time there is inductive non-compliance.
  • 26.7% of the time there is capacitive non-compliance.

Evaluated with the limits of the Grid Code 1.0

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Medium Voltage Solutions

Nuestras soluciones


  • Consume and dynamically compensate for the reactive power in medium voltage, required by the load center to maintain the power factor within the limits established by the Grid Code 2.0, phase 1.
  • Mitigate 2x and 4x harmonics, leaving them in compliance with Grid Code 2.0, phase 1.
  • Decrease voltage fluctuations, leaving the Flicker parameters within the limits established by the Grid Code 2.0 phase 1.
  • Decrease the current unbalance, leaving it within the limits established by the Grid Code 2.0, phase 1.
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STATCOM Synchronous Static Compensator
• Faster solution for power factor compensation.
• Active harmonic current filtering capability.
• Smaller area required per KVAR.
• Newest and most reliable technology available.
• Flexibility to work with other compensation equipment.

To achieve compliance with the Grid Code 2.0 phase 1, effective on April 8, 2026, it was necessary to install a  STATCOM +/- 80 MVAR, connected to the 34.5 Kv main bus and a type C 2nd harmonic filter of 20 MVAr.

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- Compliance with Grid Code 2.0 Phase 1.
- Stable voltage and low harmonic content.
- Increased productivity.
- Reduce electrode consumption.

- Increase refractory life.
- Obtain more favorable tariffs.
- Reduce outages.


With the installation of the STATCOM, it was possible to maintain the power factor close to the unity value 97% of the time, complying with the limits established by the Grid Code 2.0, phase 1, which can be seen in the following graphs.

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Features of our solutions

Nuestras soluciones


- The STATCOM met the dynamic MVAr demand created by the variable load center operation.
- An average PF value of 0.99 is met 100% of the time.
- Improvements in power quality parameters
- For voltage unbalance, a maximum value of 0.171 % was obtained during the measurement period, remaining below the 2% limit established in the Grid Code.
- Current unbalance had a maximum value of 4.814 % during the measurement period, remaining below the 15% limit established in the CoR.
- The values of odd and even single harmonic components are within the limits.

- Harmonic currents were reduced, highlighting the 2nd harmonic current.
- The maximum THDD[%] value in the measurement period was 1.09 %, remaining below the limit, which for this load center is 3.75%.
- Flicker values for the 95th percentile Short Term Voltage Swing Index (STFI) was 0.382 remaining below the Grid Code limit of 1.0.
- Flicker values for the 95th percentile Long Term Voltage Fluctuation (LTI) Index was 0.329 remaining below the Grid Code limit of 0.80.

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Our solutions features

Nuestras soluciones


- Grid code compliance
- Longer useful life of plant equipment
- Lower energy and maintenance costs

- Improved process efficiency
- Increased production capacity
- Financial bonus from the supplier


Consume and dynamically compensate the reactive power in medium voltage, required by the load center to maintain the power factor within the limits established by the Grid Code, phase 2.

Imagen retos


STATCOM Static Synchronous Compensator
• Faster solution to compensate for the power factor.
• Active harmonic current filtering capability.
• Less area required per KVAR.
• Newest and most reliable technology available.
• Flexibility to work with other compensation equipment

To achieve compliance with Grid Code 2.0 phase 2, effective from April 8, 2026, it was necessary to install a STATCOM +/- 12 MVAR, connected to the 20 Kv main bus and consider leaving the existing compensation equipment in place.

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- Compliance with Grid Code 2.0 Phase 2.
- Stable voltage and low harmonic content.

- Increased productivity.
- Reduced power outages.


With the installation of the STATCOM, it was possible to compensate for the necessary reagents, leaving the power factor at values of 0.98 inductive, 100% of the time, complying with the requirement established by the Grid Code 2.0 Phase 2, which can be seen in the following graphs.

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The plant was in non-compliance in terms of Power Factor, Current Unbalance and Flicker.

  • Power Factor non-compliance in both capacitive and inductive parts.
  • The unbalance was well above the established limit.
  • In flicker there was non-compliance with Pst.

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Voltage fluctuations


Bad power factor

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Harmonic distortion

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Unbalanced operation

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New load center


Voltage fluctuations

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Bad power factor

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Harmonic distortion

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Unbalanced operation

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Poor power factor


Harmonic distortion


In order for the client to streamline its process and comply with the Grid Code, we delivered a STATCOM from 20 MVAr (ind) to 20 MVAr (cap). DIRAM was responsible for the complete execution of the project.

The installed solution can control reactive power seamlessly and in real time for an indefinite period, bringing our customer into compliance with the Grid Code.

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Stable voltage. Reduction of production stoppages

The lamination process generates load variations that lower the voltage periodically. Although these variations do not generate flicker problems, they are perceptible in electronic and process devices sensitive to voltage dips. In an unfavorable scenario, a strong voltage drop generates a productive shutdown by tripping the undervoltage protections.

With the operation of the STATCOM, given its fast response, you can control these strong voltage drops minimizing the risk of tripping.

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Operational results

Today, our customer was able to connect its plant to the SEN, meeting all the requirements of the Mexican Grid Code, along with other operational benefits. From this project, we celebrate:

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The future operation was simulated with specialized software, thus dimensioning a STATCOM of +/- 40 MVAr to ensure compliance with the Grid Code prior to the energization of the plant.

DIRAM was fully responsible for the execution of the project, in addition to accompanying the client throughout the process of connecting the load center.

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Operational results

From this project, we celebrate that today, our customer was able to connect its plant to the SEN, meeting all the requirements of the Mexican Grid Code, along with other operational benefits.

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In order for the client to streamline its process and comply with the Grid Code, we delivered a STATCOM from 160 MVAr (ind) to 320 MVAr (cap). DIRAM was responsible for the design, supply, commissioning and start-up of the equipment.

The installed solution can control reactive power seamlessly and in real time for an indefinite period, bringing our customer into compliance with the Grid Code.

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Operational results

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Stable voltage increases productivity

Given the better regulation at the 34.5 kV node voltage, the melting furnace has more power available. Analogous to a hydraulic system, where, no matter how much we open the tap, there is no change in water flow. This is because the limit given by the pipe diameter has been reached. Under this example, the STATCOM would allow to "expand" the pipes in order to increase the flow, since the voltage does not drop even under load. Today, our customer increased the production of its steel mills due to the implementation of our solution.

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  • The load center had more than 30 transformers with low voltage compensation, in addition to a medium voltage equipment. Reconfiguring all this reactive investment would be very costly.
  • The current unbalance was caused by the load and also had a very variable behavior.
  • We knew that the flicker non-compliance was not caused by this load center, but it was necessary to demonstrate it technically.


To choose the solution we always took into account the investments that the customer had already made and how they could be used.

Since the customer had a very large investment in harmonic filters in low and medium voltage, which contributed reagents to the network in periods of low load, but also needed additional reagents in high demand, reconfiguring all the equipment would be very costly.

The solution we chose was a STATCOM, because although the cost per KVAR was higher, it allowed us to have a very low power solution to consume the excess of reagents but also to provide the missing ones. This resulted in the lowest investment solution compared to all possible alternatives.

The STATCOM helped us to correct power factor problems, both in the capacitive and in the inductive part, but also allowed us to correct the unbalance problem. All with a single piece of equipment.



In addition to network code compliance, the main success in this project was the specification of the solution, which allowed the client not only to meet the requirements, but also to have the most economical option with state-of-the-art technology.

Once the solution was implemented, the following benefits were achieved:

  • Voltage Regulation: As there were no sudden reactive changes due to the STATCOM response speed, voltage regulation was considerably improved.
  • Power Factor Compliance: During practically 100% of the time.
  • Unbalance Reduction: Complying 100% of the time with a value of 1.1%, 95th percentile.
  • Investment Leverage: STATCOM allowed us to use the customer's investment and this was the lowest cost solution.
  • Flicker: It was documented and technically demonstrated that the load center does not cause this phenomenon.